Wednesday, November 30, 2005

For Love or Bunny

Talked to Mikee last night.

James: I saw Brian’s dad in Metrowalk buying DVDs.
Mikee: Really?
James: Yeah, and in a way I wanted to approach him and give him a hug to comfort him since, you know, his son’s in another country. But I decided not to. Did I make the right decision?
Mikee: No.
James: ...
Mikee: Hug him now.

James: I also saw your kuya/ate that same day by the way.
Mikee: Really? Where?
James: He/she was buying DVDs too.
Mikee: He... she.... it....
James: In a way I also wanted to approach him and give him a hug to congratulate your being DL. But I decided not to. Did I make the right decision?
Mikee: Yes.
James: ...
Mikee: If you hugged him, he would have held extra tight. Extra tighter than the usual.

Mikee: I have an idea!
James: What?
Mikee: Let’s have this WeirdoMag Party where we distribute the new issue and get drunk and shit.
James: Wow, we’re getting older, using phrases like “get drunk and shit.”
Mikee: I don’t drink, btw. I just said that ‘cause I wanted to pretend like I’m a badass.
James: Great, we can have the party at Brian’s house!
Mikee: While he’s not in the country!
James: Yes!

Then we went on talking about random crazy stuff and playing normal games like “If you were a type of (insert random food), what kind of (random food) would you be and why?” and “Let’s Randomly Blurt Out Sentences.”

We also came up with new reality shows like, “For Love or Bunny” where one chooses either love or a random box that contains either a real bunny, a battery-operated toy bunny, or nothing at all.

After a few minutes...

Mikee: College is weird. Everyone’s normal. They’re, like, afraid I’m gonna eat them.
James: Yes I know! The normal atmosphere makes us miss our loud, crazy and pretentious high school class more.
Mikee: ...
James: ...
Mikee: ...
James: Let’s play a new game!
Mikee: Yay!

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NintendoDS and pencils. That's all I need.