Sunday, January 08, 2006

It's great to be a L' Asian

In 2005, I danced to old soul, sent loads of postcards, talked shaat, watched Muay Thai, daydreamed in public transportation, got addicted to Vietnamese sandwiches, and was easily inglamed by the retardation of others.

It's also the year when one of my close friends Kevin bought a house, which makes me think of A) her sister and B) Vietnamese food. And he introduced me to both of these wonderful things. Therefore I associate him with a ghetto middle school. That and tightie blackies.

It's the year when everything was laughable, even the endorsement essay my cousin Randall wrote for my application letter to a circle.

"James used to have a tendency for punching me in my nuts and breaking my model airplanes. What a punk!"

The year I started getting the hang of doing yard work and BBQing it up to boot. And the year I started proudly reading thick books to get people to look at me with admiration.

The year where several of my days were wasted by crap reality TV, video games or sleeping in the couch.

The year when I found out I can kick with either foot, but can't throw a baseball with authority.

2005 was the year I was like Peter Parker, the kimchee eating version.

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NintendoDS and pencils. That's all I need.